venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

Ice Light up Igloo

"The adventure began with a kernel of an idea from Brigid Burton, whose daughter Kathleen Starrie and boyfriend Daniel Gray, an engineering student, were coming for a winter visit from New Zealand" by ThisIsColossal

Origami of Light

Origami of light
Joanie Lemercier

A little piece of Oscar Niemeyer

Niteroi Museum


Palácio da Alvorada

Palazzo Mondadori

giovedì 3 gennaio 2013

Robert Mars

Artwork by Robert Mars

Light Form

Light form by Francesca Rogers and Daniele Gualeni - ILIDE (Italian Lighting Design)
"LIGHT.form is a kind of a wall or wall structure composed of light, clasped in a double-color wood. By shaping the wood structure, i.e. by opening the dark side of weng wood to show the other side of European maple, you can create the desired size of light. This idea is being developed by the ILIDE company (Italian Light Design) and thus creating the innumerous ways how to shape the modular surface" by